IconPension covers 


A non-guaranteed pension supplement.

MemberFunds are a non-guaranteed supplement to the pension benefits you are paid when you retire. In general, the payment is determiend annually and can be changed or discontinued. The size and principles of MemberFunds are determined by the Board. 

Currently, the pension fund sets aside an amount corresponding to 2 percent of contributions, single contributions and transfers to MemberFunds. 

On Min pension you can see the size of your MemberFunds.

MemberFunds are a part of the equity in P+. The reason for P+ MemberFunds is that life insurance companies and pension funds according to legislation must have basic own funds which serve as collateral for the pension fund's liabilities. In P+ the basic own funds consist of the pension fund's equity and the so-called individual special bonus provision which we call MemberFunds.


MemberFunds are, like the equity, responsible capital and covers on equal terms with the equity if negative results occur which the policyholders cannot cover themselves. As payment for this risk, the equity and MemberFunds receive a fair risk premium. 


The difference between MemberFunds and the equity is that MemberFunds are paid together with the pensions, or if a member withdraws from the pension fund. Memberfunds can be regarded as a special savings scheme.


If previously there has been a disbursement to a group of policyholders, the disbursements can be repaid in the following financial year if there is a surplus. 

Interest on MemberFunds is paid according to the pension fund's  return on investments of the investment profile P+ Balance. See the return here